The slaps heard around the house. [MF] [Bd] [Bdsm] [Mdom] [Fsub]

Im going to grab your ass and push you onto your new couch, your legs close together feet touching the ground.

your ass raised in the air

I handcuff your hands behind your back and cuff your feet together

I stare at your your nice, tight yoga pants and slowly start to pull them up to see your swollen juicy pussy pressing against the fabric.

I start rubbing that big firm ass of yours…you start to get wet from the attention.

I raise my hand and slap your big sexy ass and you let out a quick yelp

I slowly rub your pussy for a minute then take your ass and squeeze your cheeks togeather. That large sexy ass bairly contained by those tight yoga pants…almost burting at the seems

I take my left hand and place it on your side

you can see the shadow of my right hand raise on the ground,

your eyes widen knowing a nice hard slap is coming.

I slam my hand down onto your right ass cheek, your legs buckle from the feeling.

Seconds later I slap the left cheek, just as hard, you feel a nice tingle on your ass from the hits.

I pull your yoga pants down to your ankles, the cuffs stopping them from coming completely off.

I lift your head up by your hair and whisper in your ear "ill be back in a second"

As I walk away I slap your ass again for good measure.

I walk into the kitchen you hear me opening drawers, moving stuff

You ask me what im doing

i tell you to "Shut up and stay there like a good girl".

You hear me let out a slight laugh the last drawer closes

You see me walk over with a plastic spatula and a wooden spoon

I take the spatula and rub it on your ass I small circles

You feel that cold hard plastic all over that ass of yours.

I put my hand on your side again…you know whats comming next

The spatula comes down right on the center of your right ass cheek

You yelp in pain but beg me for more.

You feel a single tear come out of your eye

I smile

you see the shadow come up again…and again…and again

your ass feels like a thousand bees stung it at once

Your ass having a nice red glow to it now.

I take the wooden spoon and put it in your mouth

You look at me with fear and excitment

Ismile and kiss your head

you hear me rummaging through your desk next to the couch. You see smithing in my hand from the shadow but cant tell what…

you see me raise my hand and realise what im doing…

I have the meter stick…and its now my whip

You feel the tiny metal tip scraping against your ass as i whip it harder

and harder

and harder

clearly my weight is being put into the whipps

Your ass showing bright red lines

I take my hand and squeese that tender tender ass meat you yell loudly in pain and drop the spoon out of your mouth

I kiss you and put it pack in your mouth

You hear my phone click as I take a picture and look at me… with those beautiful puppy dog eyes

I take the phone to your face and show you your ass

you start to moan at the sight of the marks

I bend down and talk to you…

"Now baby this meter stick did a gine job on your ass…I bet its going to be mighty painfull if we continued"

You see me take out the spatula and smile

"But i dont think you have a choice right now"

You feel the spatula rubbing on your ass again

Every inch is pain and more pain

I barely tap your ass and you moan

I kiss your ass and tell it I'm sorry, but you deserve this fun…

I bite right on the left cheek nice and hard, leaving a bite mark

then i take the spatula and slap it as hard as i can

You bite so hard into the spoon its stuck to your top teeth as you yell

tears running down your face

Your mascara running

I slap you again

You try to move to stop me but your body wont let you…You try to yell stop but you want more…all you can yell is "YES!"

i slap

and slap

and slap

Your ass now starting to pulsate as you shiver in ecstasy as you cum and convulse the screams of pleasure can be heard throughout the house.

I throw the spatula on the couch next to your head

"I'm going to bed, you can waddle your way over to me if you want out of the cuffs"

You just stare at the wall wishing for it all so start again.

[Please pm with any criticism I would love to hear it. This is the first story I've written in a long time. I its an odd way to write a story and hopefully I'll get better.]
