Put on a show [mf] [exhibitionism]

The curtain slowly crawled up the walls of the dimly lit theater. There’s a spotlight on the stage, and you know what you want to do. You can feel the anticipation and desire welling up inside of you.

Two spotlights flicker to life, burning down on you. You can hear the audience shuffle, readying themselves.

It’s time to put on a show.

You slowly walk around the stage, sauntering your hips. Teasing with a glove, a garter. Slowly, the creeky floorboards are littered with your once-treasured lingerie. You’re left with nothing but 5-inch stiletto heel shoes and a smile.

One of the spotlights is now having trouble tracking your movement. You can almost make out the silhouette of the operator, you know that he’s long since unzipped his pants and has been slowly stroking his cock.

There’s a single, solitary chair in the center of the stage. The crowd is trying to not make a noise, but you can hear the muffled sounds of lubricated flesh. Your heels clack against the wood. You put one foot up on the chair. Your fingers go slick the moment they touch your already dripping pussy lips. You slowly spread for the crowd.

There’s a couple of groans, boys that can’t handle it anymore.

You smile, and slowly start to stroke your clit.

You can feel the eyes tearing over your body. Your skin is hot to the touch, your thighs are already quivering.

You’re so lost in the attention that you scream when you feel the rough touch of a man’s hand on one of your nipples.

He pulls.

Pleasure and pain course through your body.

You notice his other hand, absent from your body. It’s methodically pumping a thick, veiny cock.

You slide a hand down his chest, along his abs.

Then you cup his balls.

You sit down in the chair, and pull the cock in front of you.

It’s an inch from your neck, begging to be sucked.

You squeeze your hand tight around his balls.

Hot cum splatters across your tits.

You smile and look into the crowd.

“Who’s next?”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/263fb1/put_on_a_show_mf_exhibitionism