Two Working Girls [MFF][Pros][Threesome]

The full story can be found here. Please comment with feedback (even something as simple as "I enjoyed this story" are welcome), any constructive criticism is always excellent! Thank you for reading!

He took the ticket, his hands trembling. The clerk nodded, dismissed him with a nonchalant gesture to the elevator, and called for the next client. Before he could react, the line shoved him to the side, so he walked to the elevator, staring at the other clients. They looked back with cool eyes, full of disinterest. A dozen men packed into the elevator, doors closed, and the elevator began to climb. Soft music played through invisible speakers, washing over the pink carpet and the small oil paintings of beautiful women.

His nostrils twitched. The entire elevator was perfumed…jasmine and honeysuckle filled the tiny space. If he closed his eyes, he could imagine a garden, filled with flowers of every color, glowing in the sunset. But the Temple of Venus offered different kinds of flowers…despite his nerves, he shivered, eyes riveted to the display above the doors.

A two shone on the panel above the doors as the elevator slid to a stop. Beneath it, the doors opened, releasing about a quarter of the men. They left the elevator, knocking him back and forth as they passed. They said nothing to one another, but dispersed into the halls, staring at the slips of paper in their hands.

Within moments, the doors closed, and the elevator resumed its endless climb. The remaining passengers grinned sheepishly at one another, the anticipation of what was to come full and alive in the tiny space.

Three more times, the doors slid open, and each time a few of the men stepped out. They scanned the brass plaques on the doors in the hallways, searching for the numbers printed in professional block letters on their tickets.

After an eternity, the elevator reached the fifth floor. He strode out, one of the last passengers. He bumped shoulders with a red-faced, middle-aged man wearing a crumpled shirt. The other man grinned at him, straightened his collar, and winked through the closing doors.

“Hey, man. Have fun, all right? You been here before? …Didn’t think so.” His grin broadened. “These girls are the best. You–” Tee doors closed, cutting off his overenthusiastic companion. He took a deep breath and turned.

The hallway walls were pastel pink and silky-smooth, the ceiling a rough, textured cream. Forest green carpet squished beneath his toes as he stepped down the corridor, eyes darting between the signs and the crisp slip of paper in his hand.

He murmured the numbers under his breath as he walked. 522…525…530…There was a sharp slap from room 531, followed by a peal of laughter. Another slap, and a squeal of pain, then high, hysterical giggling. A second later, it was overpowered by a man’s baritone chuckles.

Smiling, he shook his head, taking two steps to stand in front of the next room. He held his card up to the placard, hardly able to believe it. 532. Steeling himself, he took a deep breath and knocked.

Before he had time to retract his hand, the door swung open. A slender, beautiful hand, pale blue fingernails glowing in the dim light, lay against the polished wood. His eyes slid up the arm, taking in the smooth skin, the slim muscle, and reached her bare shoulder before falling on her breasts.

His jaw dropped. She wore a bustless black leather corset, held together by silver buckles. She chuckled, and he jerked his eyes to her heart-shaped face, blushing. Her dark eyes sparkled.

“My face is up here, buddy.” Her words were irritated, but her voice was light and bubbly and the corners of her mouth were twitching. She was relaxed, at ease, obviously enjoying herself. She leaned against the doorframe, reclining on one elbow, grinning.

“You’re girl 532?” His voice, unlike hers, was constricted, high and tinny with nerves. She nodded slowly, never taking her eyes from his. Moving slowly, she lifted her hand, raised a single finger, and curled it, beckoning him forward.

“Come on in,” she murmured, her voice low and husky. Her breasts swayed as she moved. He stayed still, rooted in place, eyes wide and fixated on her chest. He swallowed. She sidled up to him, eyes crinkling in a warm, understanding smile. “Don’t be nervous…” she whispered. “I don’t bite…unless you’re into that, of course.” She winked and tapped him on the nose. He blinked, his trance breaking.

“Uh…no. Not…not really.” She laughed and moved her fingertip down his cheek, over his jaw, and down his neck. His Adam’s apple bobbed as she undid his collar, her fingers deftly undoing the shirt and exposing his neck.

“You already paid…” she whispered, standing on tiptoes to kiss his neck. “You might as well enjoy yourself.” Her lips pressed against his jaw, her bare breasts compressed against his chest. His heart beat faster. She smelled like lilacs. He closed his eyes and surrendered to her as her lips collided with his, their breath hot against each other’s skin.

“And you’re sure I can’t stay longer?” Jessica smiled wistfully and straightened the sheets, shaking her head. She wiped a droplet of cum off her breast and licked her finger, savoring the salty taste. Mmm.

“No, sorry. Unless you can pay extra for a double session, which I doubt. Next time, baby. OK?” She kissed him on the cheek, lingering for a split second longer than necessary. Men loved when she did that. “I’m betting I see you again real soon.” He nodded, blushing, and left, giving her a jerky wave before shutting the door behind him. Jessica waved back, blowing him a kiss as the door shut.

As soon as he was gone, Jessica relaxed, sighing. With a snort, she blew a strand of dark, sweaty hair of her forehead, and stretched. She let out an enormous groan (the first sound of actual pleasure she’d made all day–besides her first sip of morning coffee), arching her back as the tension left her body.

Five clients. Five! I’m beat. Better not have any more….these guys suck at fucking. Walking bowlegged, she opened the decorative closet door and slipped into the bathroom she shared with her “neighbors.”

None of the girls in rooms 530-532 knew each others' real names, where they lived, or their hobbies, but here they were each others’ best friends. They turned to her as she entered the room, laughing. Jessica blushed, sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck.

Scarlet untangled one hand from her long, red hair to turn the radio down. “Damn, Jess. He did a number on you, huh?” Jessica nodded, limping into the bathroom. It was a long as all three of their “offices,” various amenities filling the gaps in between their rooms:

Two showers and a bathtub, two toilets, three sinks (with spotlit mirrors), and more makeup and hair product than any woman, anywhere, could possibly need. The bathroom was filled with steam and classic rock, like it always was when Kitten took a bath.

Jessica nodded and limped towards the shower, switching it on and moaning as the hot water ran down her back. One of the biggest perks of working at the Temple of Venus–the water was always hot. Always. The scalding liquid cascaded down her back, washing the sweat and grime the past of hour of vigorous fucking down the drain.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the moment, then ran her hands through her short, choppy hair. Jessica groaned. Damn it. She poked her head out of the shower, dripping water onto the tile floor below.

“Hey, Scar, toss me the apple cider vinegar, would you? Wasn’t enough for the guy to pound me like a jackhammer for an hour straight, he had to get cum in my hair, too.” Without looking up from her makeup, Scarlet tossed the plastic jar at the shower.

With the bored, easy movements of someone who’s done it thousands times before, Jessica snagged the bottle and popped off the cap. With a quick “thanks!” she hopped back in the water, poured the sharp-smelling liquid into her hair, and scrubbed vigorously. The cum disintegrated and ran down the drain with her sweat and soapsuds.

When she was finally clean, Jessica stretched, groaning under the weight of her breasts, and switched off the shower. She toweled off, stepped out, and sidled up to the bathtub, sitting on the edge of the rim. “Hey, Kitten, how you doing? You gonna tell me about your four o’clock?”

Starting at 6AM every workday, the girls at the Temple of Venus brothel were available to clients every two hours. They cuddled, kissed, sucked, and fucked their guys for a solid hour, then had another hour to clean up, rest, and recover before heading back in for a new customer. To most of them, it was just like any other job, but the pay was fantastic.

They made $100 a client, times an average of four clients a day (an 8-hour workday), times three or four days of work a week, plus double for weekends and overtime, all added up pretty damn fast and put the Temple’s best girls in the same tax bracket as the city council. But Kitty looked beat; if she wasn’t planning on taking the day off already, Jessica would make her. The smaller girl giggled.

“Oh, man. Where do I start?” she sighed. Kitten was tiny, barely 4’10” in heels, and could pull off a submissive routine better than anyone else in the western hemisphere. Because of that, nearly every client who came to the Temple looking for BDSM was referred to her. She had the longest waiting list in the entire brothel.

“So this guy,” she sighed. “He liked biting, spanking…had him get out my flogger and we went a few rounds on that. He actually brought a human sexuality textbook, and, well, you can see the red marks.” She turned around and lifted her ass so Jessica could get a half-decent look.

Jessica leaned closer. Tiny bubbles from Kitten’s bath filled her nostrils, tickling her sinuses. She squinted at Kitten’s dark skin, trying not to sneeze. When the tingling in her nostrils passed, she blinked, hard, then laughed, too hard. Her breasts, hanging down over the tub, sagged, pulling the sore flesh. Jessica winced and gave Kitten’s butt a hard slap.

“Kitten, hon. that’s almost as red as Scarlett's hair.” All three girls laughed, warm and happy in each other’s company. Kitty turned and sat back in the water, wincing as she shifted her weight onto her sensitive rear. Jessica leaned closer, skidding on the wet linoleum.

“Damn, girl.” Jessica whistled. “He a vampire or something?” She ran her finger down the wet, crimson bite marks on Kitten’s neck. They were nearly half an inch deep, and squished under her touch. The sub laughed and aimed a sharp jab at her right breast.

“No!” She rolled her eyes, giggling over the last few bars of The Final Countdown. “Was your guy a chubby chaser?” She bounced Jessica’s breasts in her hands, gently squishing them up and down in quick, alternating rhythm. Jessica shoved her hands away, rolling her eyes. Her tits were already sore enough, and Kitten playing with them wasn’t helping.

“For the last damn time, Kitten, I’m not fat!” Jessica slapped her shoulder and stood, groaning. “Damn legs are still sore. Hey!” She yelped and jumped back, avoiding Kitten’s splashing. “Cut it out!”

Scarlet turned to them, rolling her eyes and smirking. “Why don’t you two just get a room already?” She held up her hands in mock surrender at their immediate deluge of protests. “Okay, okay, guess not then.” She tied her hair behind her head as she walked over, giving them a decent whiff of her perfume as she did. She rubbed her freckled shoulder against Jessica, winking at her.

Jessica swallowed, her face burning. For some reason, looking at Scarlet always embarrassed her. Something about how her hair fell over her shoulders and down her back…or her pale, puffy breasts…or the tuft of wiry red hair between her legs, the exact same shade as the stuff on her head. Scarlet rolled her eyes, laughed good-naturedly, and tossed her a black bathrobe.

“You have any threes?”

“Go fish.”

“Damn….” Jessica hid her cards under her breasts and leaned forward, the heavy paper digging into her underbust. She drew a card and swore under her breath. Dammit! Four.

“Shit,” she growled, jabbing the card into her hand. Jessica sighed and leaned back, gesturing to her right. The linoleum was cool against her bare thighs, the fan behind her blowing cool air into her hair. “Your turn, Scar.”

“Got any fours?”

“You bitch!” Jessica squawked, hurling the card at the redhead. Scarlet caught it in midair, laughing, and added the pair to her pile. Jessica sighed, discouraged.

“That’s five. You win again.” The three of them gathered their cards, passing them to Kitten. Her little fingers flew over the deck, gathering, shuffling, and redealing faster than the other two’s eyes could follow. Jessica watched in awe as the cards piled up in the “fishing pool” between the three of them. Kitten was fast.

“Hey, Jess,” Kitten whispered, leaning forward with a teasing smirk. “You got any kin–” A shrill alarm rang out in the bathroom. All three women dropped their cards to cover their ears, grimacing. “I’ll get it!” Kitten screamed, jumping to her feet.

She jogged over to the phone on the wall and ripped it off the hook. “Hey, bathroom 530, Kitten. Yeah, she’s here. Her too. Okay…” Jessica raised her eyebrows at Scarlet. She shrugged and shook her head. Right. Nobody knows what’s going on. “Both of them?”

Kitten chuckled as they sat stock-still, stunned. “Nice. And how much did he pay for both of–damn.” she whistled and shook her head. This time, Jessica and Scarlet shared a look of excitement. This was going to be good. “I’ll send them right over.”

With a clatter, she hung up the phone. As soon as it clicked off, Kitten squealed, jumping and clapping her hands like a hyperactive child. “Ladies, you are gonna make a killing tonight!” Before they could ask, she sprinted back to them, and all the answers they could possibly want came rushing out.

“Some rich guy’s in town and did some digging. Apparently you two are some of the best around–he obviously doesn’t know that I exist, or you two’d be going home right about now.” She giggled and shook her breasts at them. “Come on, you know everybody wants a piece of this.”


“Fine, fine! He paid double your usual rates to get both of you, and double that so they’d cancel your normal six o’clocks. And he’s paying you fifty extra for every hour you stay with him past the standard hour.” If Kitty’s eyebrows went any higher, they’d get caught in the air currents from the fan.

“You two better have fun tonight. You’re making bank!” Kitten laughed and stood, twirling to her locker and throwing on a baggy set of clothes. “I’m heading home for the day. G’night, ladies! See you on Wednesday!” Before they could reply, she was gone, leaving them alone.

They stared at each other for a long time, stunned. “He’s paying us quadruple. Minimum.” Scarlet whispered, eyes wide. “We could take off weeks with that kind of cash.” Jessica’s heart hammered in her throat; she couldn’t believe it. This was an insane amount of money for one night…

“Or…” she muttered, tapping her thigh. “We do a good enough job on this guy…”

Scarlett's eyes were the size of dinner plates. “If really likes what we do to him…”

Jessica nodded and they finished in unison. “Then he comes back for more!” They cheered, lunging forward and hugging one another. Her breasts squished up against her chest, making her wince. The giggled like schoolgirls, babbling incoherently in their excitement. The two women rushed around the bathroom, grabbing things, adjusting one another’s clothes, hair, and makeup, and doing all they could to ensure that they would be perfect.

When they were finished, Scarlet and Jessica stood side by side, so close their fingers brushed against each other’s knuckles. They were beaming with excitement as they flipped off the lights and closed the door behind them, cutting off the scents of bubble bath and shampoo.

Scarlet glanced at the alarm clock and sucked air between her teeth, wincing. “He’ll be here at six. Five minutes. Ready?” She grinned at Jessica, who grinned back and raised her eyebrows. She tightened her corset and stretched, the soft leather straining against her belly. Jessica raised her eyebrows even higher and smirked, but only earned an eye roll from Scarlet. The redhead dimmed the lights, then tugged at the bottom of her dress, pulling the green silk down over her cleavage.

“Nice dress,” Jessica whispered. “It matches your eyes.” The space between Scarlet’s freckles turned pink, but she didn’t speak. A nervous silence fell over the room, broken only by the soft, steady hum of the AC unit in the window. They were performers, waiting with bated breath for the curtain to rise. In seconds, they would begin the best act of their lives…but that didn’t do anything to calm the butterflies in their stomach. The both jumped as the door opened.

Jessica gave Scarlet an imperceptible nod and sauntered forward, rocking her hips and fluttering her eyelashes at her client. “Hey there,” She whispered, laying her palms on his chest; the silky material of his suit gliding over her hands. It was smooth and elegant in the dim light, perfectly tailored to his chest. “What’s your name?”

He smelled like Old Spice and airplane cabin, the fabric of his suit rumpled from travel. The silk swished as she slid the jacket off his shoulders, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek. His rough stubble scratched her lips, and she shuddered. That felt nice.

“You can call me John. I’m guessing you’re Jessica?” She nodded, pressing her bare chest to his. She bit her lip as the rougher fabric of his shirt rubbed against her nipples, making them stand on end. The back of her neck prickled. She pressed herself to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. His eyes widened as she walked backwards, half-pulling him into the room.

Plenty of muscle there, Jessica thought to herself, stepping aside so Scarlet could press her lips to his neck. She rubbed his shoulders, gently digging into the hard tissue before moving down his arms. Jessica rolled the banded folds of muscle, wiry beneath her fingers, and grinned to herself. Tall, dark, and handsome, too.

Fabric shuffled above her as Scarlet stood on her toes, undoing his tie with her teeth. Jessica bent and began working her fingers into his lower back, digging her thumbs in between the hard muscles attached to his spine.

Scarlet shifted behind him, looking down at her with the knot of his tie between her teeth. “I like him.” Jessica mouthed, untucking his shirt and lifting it so Scarlet could see his body beneath it. The ginger waggled her eyebrows at her, then twitched her jaw. The tie fell past Jessica’s face, brushing against her cheek and falling to the floor with a thump.

Jessica slipped around to his front against, kissing up his bare neck. The stubble scraped her lips and rubbed against her cheek as she nibbled his earlobe. John moaned, tilting his head away. She seized the opportunity and tugged gently, letting her warm breath caress his face. John shuddered and moved closer to her, his breath slow and hot on her face.

Jessica smirked and released his ear, taking an exaggerated step back. She grabbed his undone collar and pulled him with her, giggling to herself. Pulling him closer, she led him to the bed, biting her lip and staring up into his eyes with a coquettish smile. Behind them, Scarlet massaged his back and pushed him forward, smiling slyly over his shoulders.

“Wait.” John gripped her wrists and pushed her arms away, taking a step back from both women. He walked to the far side of the mattress and sat on the room’s armchair, watching them both. Jessica and Scarlet stood, stunned. A client had never rejected them before…they were too expensive for that to happen. Throwing any professionalism she may have still possessed to the wind, Jessica whimpered. She wanted him…and she was never this aroused at work. Never.

“I want to watch you two first.” Jessica shivered, biting her lip. His voice was lower than before, deeper and more commanding. She turned to Scarlet and looked at her, really looked at her, for the first time. Her eyes slid up her round calves, the contours of her thighs, the angles of her hips barely concealed beneath her dress. A few feet away, Scarlet was doing the same thing to her, eyes wide. Her chest rose and fell with each slow, deep breath. “Kiss her,” John commanded. “Do it.”

Jessica gulped and stepped forward, taking Scarlet’s pale, slim hands in hers. Time slowed as their faces moved closer, their bodies pressed together. Scarlet’s breath was warm on her mouth, lips parted, their faces only centimeters away from one another. Jessica licked her lips, moistening them, then gently, tenderly pressed them to Scarlet’s. The other girl took a deep, shuddering breath, then returned the kiss.

Her skin was cool against Jessica’s bare breasts, but her tongue was warm as they began to explore each other’s mouths, faster and more enthused with each passing second. Jessica sighed into her friend’s mouth, closer her eyes and letting her mouth open wider. She tasted clean, like mint toothpaste and that stupid peach gum she always liked to chew. After a moment, she heard John’s voice again, far away and dreamlike.

“Touch her.” Jessica obeyed instantly, sliding her hands over Scarlet’s thighs and lifting her dress over her pale, round ass. Scarlet shivered from the cold and pressed herself closer. Her nipples, cold and hard, poked into Jessica’s larger, fuller breasts, the pinpricks on her aureoles making her shudder.

Jessica spread her legs, letting the heat between her thighs radiate outward. She moaned as a drop rolled down her leg, hot in the cool room. “Mmm.” She moaned low in her throat as Scarlet kissed her deeper, harder, wrapping one leg around her hips and lowering them onto the bed.

Jessica groaned as Scarlet released her lips, holding the bottom lip between her teeth as she pulled back. Her soft kisses and gentle, passionate bytes sent tiny shockwaves through her body with every light touch. Straddling her thighs, she kissed and bit her jaw, her neck, her collarbone… “Oh…”

Her head lolled, eyes half-closing as she lost herself in Scarlet’s caresses. In her blurry, dim vision, she could see John slumped back in the chair, pants around his ankles. When had that—happened…oh… she gulped when she saw his cock.

It was long, thick, and pale in the dim light, clean and cut with the hair trimmed close to the base. It was one of the best-looking penises Jessica had ever seen on the job…or maybe that was just Scarlet, whose tongue was wrapped around her nipple, clouding her judgment. He inched his hand up and down the shaft, gripping it firmly, watching as Scarlet kissed lower….lower…a drop of precum oozed from his tip, and Jessica gasped. John caught her eye and winked, making her blush.
