Activating an Android [MF][Scifi]

Not particularly happy with this story, but I can't figure out a way to change it and make it better. So I'm finally posting it here to move on to other things. Any feedback is appreciated, and the full story can be found here. Thanks for reading!

He lay slumped on the couch, head tilted to one side at an appalling angle. His eyes, glassy and unfocused, were pointed in the general direction of the dingy, smeared screen. Trashy daytime TV illuminated his dark living room, distorted soap operas washing over the dusty floor, the cracked paint, the pile of unkept dishes in the sink. A casual observer might mistake Eli Stevens for a corpse if they were to miss the imperceptible rise and fall of his chest

The sun penetrated a tiny slit in the faded curtains, illuminating the pattern; one that had gone out of style nearly twenty years prior. The brilliant sliver of light crept timorously across the floor, synchronized with the dingy hour hand on the wall clock. It remained ignored until, finally, it fell on Eli’s face.

Squinting and grumbling to himself, the skinny lump of a man stretched, stood, and adjusted his tee-shirt, brushing the cheeto dust off the faded gaming logos. He strode to the curtains and slid them shut with a clack, annoyed that the sun would dare invade his basement domicile. But before he could return to his couch-shaped shrine to lethargy, the doorbell rang.

He took only a few seconds to slide into a pair of pants that didn’t smell particularly horrendous before bolting for the stairs. He slammed into the wall opposite the stairwell and sprinted for the door, tripping over his own feet in his hurry. He ripped the door open just as the deliveryman was turning to leave.

“Wait!” he cried, seizing the collar of the man’s brown-and-yellow uniform. “It’s mine. I’ll take it. Where do I sign?” Bemused, the delivery man raised an eyebrow and handed him the clipboard. He scrawled a signature in the general vicinity of the dotted line, smearing ink on his hands in his haste to return it.

The delivery man grunted and lifted the dolly’s handles, wheeling the heavy crate inside. Eli winced at the shrieking wheels, plugging his ears until he dumped the heavy crate in the center of the foyer.

“That good?” he grunted. Eli grunted back, and the delivery man smirked. “Thanks for shipping with UPS. Enjoy your new toy, son.” He had the nerve to clap Eli on the shoulder as he left, chuckling.

Eli’s aggravation vanished as he examined the crate. Thank God it had been delivered on Tuesday! Mom out with her girlfriends, Dad working, it was perfect! And it was even better for it to be today, they were headed to some political meeting after work. There’d been a vague mention of lobbying…something about robots taking over the private sector…but politics was far from Eli’s interests. Video games and pornography occupied the vast majority of his time.

There were disadvantages to living in his parent’s basement, he’d found; chief among them was the struggle to hide of his less-than-savory purchases from them. He had to carefully time every order and every delivery, and carefully appropriate funds that he was certain weren’t going to be missed.

Grunting, sweating, and swearing profusely, Eli hauled the crate onto its side. He hissed, grimacing and yanking his foot from beneath it. He shook the wounded foot, whimpering and massaging his stinging toes. Ow. The pain made him want to start shouting, to run around the room like a madman, hurling delicate and expensive curios into the wall. But reading the label killed his anger–and replaced it with uncontrollable anticipation.

Cybersexual Industries Model F-30. Our newest unit has been custom built to your specifications, based entirely on your order on our website. We hope that you enjoy our product! Please send any questions, complaints, tech support issues, or consumer feedback to 7169 Cherry St, San Jose, CA.

Eli ripped the label from the crate, shredding the sticky white paper into confetti. It rained down around him as he tore the layer of packaging tape, sloppy in his haste, cracking his fingernails against the material. He thrust his hands into the crack between the two flaps and ripped it open. Despite knowing exactly what it contained, he gasped.

He ran his hand delicately over her skin. It felt soft, and warm, a stark contrast from the cold, unresponsive dolls lying flaccid and unresponsive in his closet. Her face was still and placid, breaching the surface of an ocean of packing peanuts. The gynoid was utterly beautiful.

Eli trailed his fingers through her long, jet-black hair. It flowed free and loose down her body, reaching past her hips and nestling around the curve of her thighs. The last three inches were a brilliant shade of green, almost luminescent against the black fabric of her miniskirt. Her limbs were long and shapely, perfectly proportioned to the frame he had chosen. Before he went further, Eli yanked the specifications list out of a slit in the crate’s side.

Holding the it less than an inch from his nose, he slid his fingertip down the slip of paper, mentally checking each item off the list. He’d memorized his specifications weeks ago, when he’d first ordered her, reading over it each and every day until she finally arrived.

Black hair, length: extra-long. Tips dyed bright green. Race: latina, dark-skinned. Build: petite. Height: 5 foot 0 inches. Breasts: small. Nipples: small. Eye color: bright green. Pubic hair: none… The rest of the list degenerated into a barrage of serial numbers and jargon. Eli beamed down at her. She was gorgeous…and worth every penny.

Bending at the waist, the crater rim digging into his shins, Eli snaked a hand to the back of her neck and pressed the tiny power button. Instantly, a thousand invisible fans sprang to life. The sound called to mind an overworked computer on a hot day, struggling to keep pace with its operating programs. Eli leaned closer, brows furrowed. If she melted down…Then her mouth moved, stiff, jerky, and robotic. A tinny voice rang from her lips.

“I am JD-3. Please provide your name and order number so that delivery may be confirmed with our customer services."

“Amazing…” he whispered, leaning closer. He couldn’t hear the fans anymore. When she sat completely still, she was indistinguishable from a living, breathing, human woman.

“I am JD-3. Please provide your name and order number so that delivery may be confirmed with our customer services." He jumped. The slightest hint of aggravation had entered her voice, almost as if she were getting impatient. He shook himself. She didn’t have feelings–she was an android!

“Eli Stevens. Order number…” he yanked his phone from his pocket, scrolling through a dozen notes before he finally found it. “34412984.”

“Order confirmed. Please provide a profile name for your F-30 Cyber Industries Pleasure Gynoid.” It was the same tinny, unreal voice. Eli shuddered, swallowing the sudden bitter taste in his mouth. He couldn’t have sex with this! She was gorgeous, yeah, but her voice was so unreal…

“Jade,” he sighed, dejected. Eli’s shoulders slumped. If this was the most realistic imitation of human behavior she could pull off, then he’d just wasted three grand. Three thousand dollars that he’d have to explain away as video games, Warhammer figurines, and industrial-sized Cheeto jars.

“Confirmed. Unit name: Jade. Please state your desired personality type.”

Eli perked up. There was more for her to load! He just hadn’t picked it yet. He sorted through options in his mind. He could make her dominant–it’d be great in the bedroom, but he needed her to shut up and stay out of sight when his parents were around. No, that wouldn’t work. But ultra-submissive was creepy, and…hmm.

“Let’s go with: aggressively horny, seductive, and teasing.” She was a just a sex ‘bot, after all. She’d be great in the sack, but it wasn’t like she needed to have a personality or anything so superfluous.

“Request clarification: aggressive. Do you desire to have sexual interactions with a high level of violence, or a high sex drive?”

“High sex drive! Definitely high sex drive!” He breathed out, long and slow, and ran a hand through his hair. That could’ve been bad. Eli ran a hand down his face, composing himself.

"Clarification logged. Clarification request: 'teasing.' Do you desire delayed sexual gratification or belittlement of your activities and anatomy in the bedroom.?" Eli chuckled.

“That one’s easy. Delayed.” As fun as getting off quick was, if long hours in front of the computer screen had taught him one thing, it was the stretching it out as long as possible made orgasms that much sweeter…

“Clarification logged. Please list any fetishes and sexual preferences. And please, don't be shy." Jade smiled for the first time. It was natural, a stark (and relieving) contrast to her stiff, robotic voice. Despite himself, Eli smiled back. "I am here to please you."

“Well…” he scratched his head. It’d been a very long time since he’d been with a real girl, and most of his sexual development had occurred since then…might want to start simple, just to be safe. “Let’s go with handcuffs. Both using them on others and being in them, and spanking.” That’d be more than plenty to tide him over until he got bored.

Her eyes opened. They glowed a brilliant green, tiny verdant sparks in her perfect face. He gasped, and, if Eli wasn’t imagining things, her smile broadened.

“Submissive module loading. …load complete." She blinked, eyelids closing and opening again with two quick flicks. "State any second languages you desire for me to speak."

“Ooh!” Eli bit his lip, his heartbeat accelerating. Spanish was incredibly sexy… “Spanish, please.”

Si Señor.” She turned to look at him, her brilliant eyes piercing his. He stared back, trying to read her expression. Jade wasn’t nearly as eerie as he’d originally thought. Her eyes were gentle, almost loving.

"Por favor califique mi atractivo en una escala del uno al diez." Eli swallowed. His jeans were suddenly very, very tight. As soon as he asked for Spanish she’d added a slight, lilting accent, but now, to hear her actually say something…umph. He laughed.

“That was…incredibly hot, Jade. But I have absolutely no idea what you just said.”

“Please rate my attractiveness to you on a scale from one to ten, ten being the highest amount of pleasure you could possibly derive from my appearance.”

It took Eli approximately one quarter of a second to decide. “Ten. Without a shadow of a doubt you are a perfect 10.”

“Thank you. Your pleasure has been logged and sent to our corporate databases. Please state the level of physical strength you wish for me to exhibit in the bedroom.”

Eli swallowed. “Uh…let’s go with the max. The highest you have.” Her eyes flashed red.

“Warning. Requested level of strength exceeds recommended limits. I am legally obligated to inform you that high levels of strength exhibited by sexual androids have been known to injure or maim clients who have failed to take proper precautions. By acknowledging this and continuing to request strength levels of 10 or higher, you waive all liability of Cybersexual Industries regarding this unit.” “God damnit, just let me fuck you already!” Eli kicked the crate, swearing as the pain in his toes kicked him right back. “What’s the highest goddamn safety level that you recommend?”

Jade continued, watching him as though she lacked a care in the world. "Highest for a domme is 6, highest for a sub is 3, highest for vanilla is roughly 5.2. Scale is capable of reaching 15.”

“Go with the…ow…highest safe level recommended. Motherfucker that hurts!”

“Strength setting of 4.5 set. This option, as with all others, can be modified at any time by accessing unit Jade’s menu. Please state any other purpose that unit Jade will be able to fulfill for you.”

“Uh…” He stopped midway through bandaging his toe to stare at her. “What…what other functions does a sex android have?”

“For a small fee, you may digitally purchase and download cooking, home care, child care, and other, similar modules into your Cybersexual Industries F-30. We recommend special bundles that will provide you with a significantly reduced price and will result in–”

“Nope. Thanks. Not interested. Jade’s only purpose is sex. Period. Understand?”

“Confirmed. Offers of downloadable content have been deactivated. This option, as with all others, can be modified at any time by accessing unit Jade’s menu. Now, let us begin the final step in unit Jade’s activation process. Select desired sensitivity of erogenous zone simulators.”

It took several seconds for words with that number of syllables to sink into Eli’s brain. “Uh…explain.”

“Certainly. Erogenous zones determine the speed and intensity of a human’s arousal. These are mimicked on unit Jade’s body. This setting will determine how quickly the unit will be aroused, and how intense her sexual desire will be. The higher the sensitivity, the more quickly she will become sexually excited. In layman’s terms, it describes how quickly she will ‘get horny.’ Is further explanation necessary?”

“Oh….” Eli slapped his forehead. “I’m a moron. OK, I want you to be quick and easy, all right? Most of the time, you want to fuck without me really having to do anything.”

“This is typical of our male clients.” Was there an ever-so-slight hint of sarcasm in her voice? Eli squinted at her, but decided that arguing with a machine he was planning on fucking was a terrible, terrible plan. “Please set unit Jade upright in her crate.”

It took several long, painful minutes for Eli to get Jade standing upright. She was heavy, and cheesy poofs didn’t lend themselves to developing muscle mass. But he got her standing.

"Loading selected personality modules,” she whirred. “Loading sexual response modules…loading….loading….activating weight compensators. Activating personality module. Activating all systems." With a beep, her body relaxed. The stiff, upright posture collapsed, replaced with simple, fluid motions. Exactly like a human being.

“Nice to see you can move like a real woman.” Eli smirked, moving closer. Jade turned to him, her hair swishing behind her, turning her head slowly to one side.

“Of course I can move like a woman. Such movements are what separate us androids from mujeres falsas such as dolls. Or fleshlights.” She shuddered, wrinkling her nose. “I promise, I am mucho mejor than such devices.”

She stepped out of the crate, her movements nimble and quick. She was faster, more fluid than even most humans would be; she carried herself with perfect grace. She stared up at him, laying her palms against his chest. Giggling, her fingertips slid down his torso, stroking the soft, pale skin, a seductive smirk growing on her face.

“So,” she whispered. “What would you like me to do first?” Her fingers caressed his thighs, soft and warm and teasing, lifting the hem of his shorts and dropping them daintily. She twisted her lip, biting it. Her simulated breaths were long and shallow, and she trembled against him. Eli gulped.

“My parent’s bedroom is upstairs.” He took her by the hand, leading her past the curio cabinets and paintings his parents seemed obsessed with. In his haste, he knocked a vase to the side, and whirled to catch it, knowing he couldn’t possibly save it in time. But Jade nonchalantly returned it to its place and continued up the stairs. He gaped as she opened the door and entered the bedroom, closing it behind her. His heart hammered in his throat as he pushed open the bedroom door.

Before he could react, Jade whirled around, grabbed his shoulders, and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck and yanking him close. Before he could reciprocate, she she whirled him around and shoved him, hard; he stumbled backward and fell, only to land on the mattress. He grinned as she slid up to him.

“So…” she muttered, eyes glowing like stars. “What do we have here?” Jade’s hand ran down his chest, caressing his ribs, his stomach. There was an ever-so-slight hum as she moved, the sound of hundreds of tiny motors lifting her limbs. Her brown hand pressed the bulge in his shorts.

“Hello there…” she purred. With a quick, sudden jerk, she tore his boxers away, freeing his cock. Fully erect, it sprung into the air. “Well…” she chuckled, glancing up at him and raising her eyebrows. “Whatever shall I do with this?” Eli swallowed, taking a deep breath.

“Whatever you want,” he gasped, lips parting as she bent and slid her tongue up his thighs. It was warm, and wet, and felt completely, totally real. And now she was moving closer to his cock…closer…”

He whimpered when she passed it, nibbling on his hips. “Why…” Jade put a finger to his lips, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes.

“Hush, Eli,” she whispered, a husky undertone filling her voice. No human woman sounded like that, was capable of producing the dulcet tones flowing around one another. Her voiced filled the bedroom, washing over the closed curtains, the endless lamps and dressers and closets. “I am here to please you. Let me do my job. Relax, and enjoy yourself.”

Jade stood, staring down at him with an aroused, almost hungry expression. Closing her eyes, the android arched her back and lifted her arms above her head, intertwining her wrists. Slowly, hypnotically, she began to twist her body, rippling to unheard music. Eli sat back on his elbows, cock straining upward, desperate for release.

It took him a moment to realize that Jade was dancing to music. Soft, slow latin music echoed in the bedroom. The beat began to accelerate, and Jade’s dancing kept pace with the tempo, her hips swaying with the beat, her body flowing and freezing with the ebb and flow of the music.

“Are you playing that?” he whispered. She nodded once, not breaking rhythm, and slid the straps of her top over her shoulders as the first part of the music faded. As a new, faster song picked up, she danced closer, sliding delicately into his lap and grinding gently. The sound emanated from somewhere between her shoulder blades, filling his ears with music.

The velvet in her miniskirt rubbed the back of his shaft as she ground against his hips. She leaned forward, chest pressing against his, lips brushing his neck.

“Close your eyes,” she whispered, barely heard beneath the music. Eli obeyed, and was rewarded by the sound of a zipper sliding down, his shirt being pulled from his chest, the sensation of bare breasts against him. he took in a shuddering, desperate breath as a drop of liquid dripped onto the head of his cock and trickled down the shaft.

He gritted his teeth, his cock twitching desperately as the hot drop of moisture dissolved. The music swelled as her warm, soft hands cupped his face, and Jade purred. A single, light fingertip slide down his chest, twirling once around his niplle before snesouly gliding down.

“Don’t open your eyes,” the android whispered. The scent of new electronics filled his nostrils as she pressed her body to his with new force, new excitement. For a 3000-dollar machine that just minutes ago he’d barely been able to lift, she was awfully light, and–

Everything vanished as Jade sank down on his cock, her motors whirring gently. Enveloping the head and slowly slipping down, pressing him deeper into her. Gradually, she sank to the bottom, her legs wrapping around his lower back. Eli groaned, head falling onto her shoulder.

His eyes were wide open, but he couldn’t see clearly. She was warm, and incredibly wet, squeezing tight and hard around his cock. The fabric of her skirt pooled on his thighs as her pussy’s lips squeezed around the base. He moaned, arching forward, struggling in vain to bury himself deeper inside.

Jades eyes, lit by brilliant green LEDs, bored into his. Her face was inches away, warm, arrhythmic jets of air passing from her mouth onto his skin as she began to rock her hips. Slower at first, then faster, faster….grinding furiously against his cock as the music swelled, her dress and her hair tickling his stomach and legs, her arms around his back…

Her pussy began to hum and contract, squeezing the entire length of his shaft as she rode him. Hidden motors pressed against him, pulled the head, squeezed the base, sucking and pushing and stimulating him from every direction. His dick vibrated from the force pressing against him. Eli screamed, screaming with raw emotion and pained pleasure as he exploded into her. Everything went dark.



  1. Please tell me you have more than that story of this jade :) Maybe other models?

  2. I have a few other plans, but nothing concrete. Would you be interested in reading more?

  3. Yes yes!! Maybe a more attractive main character? Fat chetoos man is fine, but just saying

  4. I’ve got a question for you. As I would love to keep reading these and more like it. You ever run across any stories where the fem bot won’t stop? For some reason been itching to find some of those stories. hard to find though.

  5. Unfortunately, I have not. However, you may looking for a femdom story involving nonconsent, or possibly post-orgasm torture. If your interest isn’t limited to robotics, those keywords might give you a broader pool to search through.

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