The Safe Word (Light BDSM)

I love reading the stories posted here, so I thought I'd contribute. Let me know what you think!

The Safe Word (Light BDSM)

Raina had driven from her dorm to this unfamiliar part of town because she wanted to try something new, and as she stepped out of her car, she reminded herself again that even though the whole weekend was blocked out for this “adventure,” it was all her idea and she could back out at any time.

“Just say the ‘safe word’ and everything ends,” she repeated to herself.

For as long as she had even known about sex, the shy, pretty coed had had shameful sexual fantasies. Alone in her room late at night, she dreamed of a faceless man taking total control of her, bringing out her hidden desires, tying her up, “forcing” her to do all the nasty, naughty things she knew she would love… but she was a nice girl, with nice friends and a nice family, so she was embarrassed to tell anyone about her secret desires. No one on earth knew how badly she needed to get fucked hard and dirty, how her pussy dripped when she even thought of a strong man taking control of her… But she decided on her 22nd birthday that the time had come to see what would happen if she actually lived out her secret desires. She was brave a few minutes ago, safe in her car, but now, as she closed the door behind her and made her way down the dark street, she was wondering if this had been such a good idea.

She tottered up the avenue on the way-too-high heels the stranger had asked…ordered… her to wear, and she scanned the deserted street nervously, worried that someone would see her making a fool of herself.

Raina had a nice curvy figure—generous breasts and high, round ass, but she wasn’t the type of girl to dress sexy. So it was hard for her to go to the store and buy what the man told her she must wear…but here she was, looking like a total slut: Skintight black dress that just covered her ass cheeks, tiny thong panties with no bra, her round breasts bouncing with each step she took. Her face flushed with embarrassment as a driver slowed down to take a look at her strutting down the block, but unexpectedly, she felt a rush of horniness when she pictured herself, her long, straight black hair hanging down her back, her full breasts bouncing with each step she took closer to the address he had given her.

She’d “met” the stranger over the Internet, one of those dating sites. She’d taken out a slightly provocative ad, just to see what would happen, and his response leaped out from the many men desperate to meet her. Something about the way he wrote appealed to her for some unknown reason, and she couldn’t rush to call him fast enough and arrange the details of their meeting. Even as he told her what her “assignments” were to be (what she was to wear, what she was to bring with her to their date) she could hardly believe she had agreed, but here she was, walking down the street, carrying a bag full of supplies and dressed like a streetwalker.

She swallowed hard and knocked on his door. No answer, but the door swung open slowly. The room was dark, moodily lit with a red light. She stood at the doorway.

“Come in,” a voice in the shadows said softly, and she stepped over the threshold. “Step into the center of the room, spread the contents of the bag out next to you, and get on your hands and knees… Now!” the deep voice commanded.

For some reason she didn’t even come close understanding, Raina did it. She stepped into the dark room, dumped the bag of leather straps, blindfolds, sex toys and handcuffs next to her, and then, face burning, heart pounding and hands shaking, she knelt on the carpeted floor, hands in front of her.

“That’s good,” the voice said.

And she waited like that, fear mixed with excitement, every nerve ending pulsing, until, finally, after what seemed like forever, she heard faint footsteps from behind her. She soon felt his presence in the room. She felt a heavy hand caressing her ass through her dress, and turned her head to look at him.

SLAP! He brought his palm down on her ass, and a stinging fire went through her.

“Keep your eyes down, slut,” he said, and her head snapped back down. He felt him roll her skintight dress up over her thighs, over her ass, and heard his breathing speeding up as he caressed her round butt.

This is crazy, she thought to herself, but she didn’t get up, and she didn’t say the word they had agreed to beforehand, she just knelt their, panting quietly as a total stranger felt her ass.

He roughly grabbed her cheeks, kneading them, and she couldn’t help but sigh as she stared obediently at the floor. He caressed her round ass, hefted it’s weight, then moved down to her thighs, tickling her inner thighs with the back of his hand gently as he knelt behind her, his fingers edging closer to her swollen cunt.

She was half aware of herself moaning slightly when he finally touched her slick pussy through her satin panties, and she melted into his hand, grinding her crotch wantonly against him. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head back, whispering hoarsely in her ear, “You like that, don’t you?” he said.

She felt his hard, bare chest against her back and shivered.

“Tell me you like it,” He hissed.

“I like it…”

“You like what?” he said.

“I-I like you touching my pussy,” she admitted, and then moaned out loud. This was what she had always wanted…needed: Someone to release her inner slut.

He laughed quietly as he continued to rub her wet pussy through her panties, reaching up to grab one her hanging tits with his other hand while leaning his weight against her and whispering in her ear.

“That’s it,” he mumbled, “get yourself off on my hand, slut.”

She ground her pussy into his palm while moaning even louder. She had never been so horny in her whole life; she panted and moaned as she ground her stiff little clit against his hand… she wanted to please him so badly; she churned wildly on his hand, pistoning her hips around in circles as he stroked her back and hair.

A low growl escaped her lips and her muscles tightened…

“Oh…fuck…” she said as a massive orgasm screamed through her and her body convulsed again and again. Her legs and arms shook as her earthquake subsided and she returned to the planet…

‘Oh my god, thank you so much…” she started to say, expecting their fantasy game to be over… but he stopped her with another hard slap to her ass, and she felt the stinging sensation spread through her ass.

“Now, stand up.”

She snapped to attention and stood on shaky legs, and got her first look at the stranger. He stood before her in the dim light, shirtless, but wearing black jeans, with a riding crop in hand, a serious look on his face. The Stranger was around 6 feet tall, with short brown hair, piercing blue eyes and a chiseled torso. Not bad at all. She stole a quick glance at his crotch, and was happy to see that the scene obviously turned him on too: his big cock was straining the denim and pressed against his thigh..

“Get naked for me. Now,” he commanded, and she lifted her slutty dress over her head and bent down to take off her panties, dropping the whisp of fabric in front of him. She then stood before him, naked and blushing.

“We’re going to have a lot of fun…” he said softly, while stroking his hard dick through his jeans. “Get over here and take my jeans off.” He said, and she immediately knelt in front of him and undid his belt buckle.

Her eyes at crotch level, his hand in her hair, she slid his fly down. She gasped at the size of the cock that flopped out… it was only half hard, and it was still the biggest dick she’d ever seen. He stepped out of his jeans, and grabbed his dick by the base, pumping it a few times in front of her lips…

“Oooh, I can’t wait to cum all over your face,” he breathed, and she felt herself blushing, turned on by how crude he was, so different from the “nice” boys she was used to.

“In fact, that’s just what I’m going to do… you just kneel there, slut, while I jerk off all over your face,” he said, his fist increasing it’s rythym on his dick.

“Lick my balls while I jerk off,” he commanded. She did. She got right between his legs and began tonguing his heavy sack while he stroked his dick, occasionally stopping to rub the head obscenely on her soft cheek.

She felt her pussy growing wet again and moved her hand down to work on her own clit.

“Open up,” he panted, and she did. He put the head of his massive cock in her mouth, and slowly slid it backwards. Her cheeks bulged, but she opened as wide as she could and took the head of his dick into her mouth while he continued to jack off…

Spit ran down her face as she furiously tongued his hard slab while working her own pussy.

“Mmmm…. God… yessss…” he panted, and began fucking her face fast. Then she felt his cock slip from her lips and warm jet of cum shot into her face, starling her. And it kept on, spurt after spurt of warm goo coated her panting face and dripped down on her heaving breasts…

She was crazed with sex, and licked ever drop of sperm off her cheeks while her own orgasm tore through her.

He stood back and looked at her, dazed… watching her swallow all of the cum…

‘Don’t miss any,” he breathed as she scooped it off her breasts and into her mouth…

“You and I are going to have a lot of fun this weekend…” he said, eyeing the bondage equiptment she had brought with her…

Raina could only imagine.

(PART 2 coming soon…)



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