The Stepbrother: Part Two

The rest should be available on my author page shortly: Hope you have fun reading.

Chapter 2: Orders

The next morning Adam wound up walking into the bathroom as I was brushing my teeth. Neither of us said a word as he grabbed his own toothbrush and began to scrub, though I could feel his eyes on me.

I was only wearing my panties and a t-shirt. Looking in the mirror, I could see my nipples sticking out behind the fabric. My breasts swayed as I brushed.

It was strange. He didn't touch me, he barely even acknowledged me, yet I was still incredibly aroused. I wanted him to fuck me right then, right there, on the bathroom counter. Instead, he left wordlessly, not looking back as I watched him walk away.

The day was as ordinary as any day I'd ever had before it. I only saw Adam at breakfast, and since we were eating with our parents, neither of us mentioned the previous night. It was our secret.

I went out for lunch with Emma, a girl from my original neighborhood. Charlie lent me his car so Emma and I drove downtown and saw a James Bond movie. It was pretty good. At lunch, Emma did what she so often did, and told me about her sexual exploits of the past few weeks.

"Now this guy," she started, pausing to take a sip of her soda. "This guy was into power games."

I nodded along, pretending that I'd had a lover who was into power games as well. The closest thing I'd ever had to a lover was Adam, and although I had thought about it, I couldn't tell Emma about how I had given my new housemate a blowjob.

Emma's best features were her breasts and her lips. Her lips were pouty and almost always painted under a layer of ruby red lipstick. Her breasts were large, and although I had never seen it, Emma insisted that they would bounce and jiggle when men were fucking her.

Her hair always looked beautiful, if she spent enough time on it. And although I was an inch taller than her, she constantly wore three-inch heels that let her look down on me. I hated heels myself, but would wear them whenever Emma convinced me to go clubbing.

"He tied me to the chair and started playing with my tits," Emma scoffed. "He thought he was so kinky. As if." She took another long suck of soda through her straw. "It was child's play. I swear, this town is running out of good men."

Again, I nodded along politely, secretly thinking to myself that getting tied up would be pretty kinky. Of course, this is back when I was innocent, before Adam had fucked my ass or even my cunt.

"One of these days I might have to start chasing woman," Emma laughed. "Then you'll have to keep me from corrupting you."

I blushed. "Very funny."

We drove back and I dropped her off at home. As I continued the journey back to my new house, my mind wandered to Adam. Something about what Emma had said seemed so sexy. I imagined Adam tying me up – tightly binding me to a chair – and playing with my nipples before bringing his fingers down to my pussy.

I had read erotica before – in fact I had a Kindle filled with it – and recently my tastes had moved more and more to the genre of BDSM. Consenting non-consent, whips, spanking, domination, submission, I just couldn't get enough of reading it. But still, I had never actually done anything in real life.

Family dinner was nothing more than an extended conversation between my mother and Charlie about how well the new arrangement was working. Every once and a while, my eyes would connect with Adam's and a small chill would run through me. I felt naked under his gaze.

As 9:00 approached, I tried to figure out what I would do. Adam had invited me back to his room and every time I thought about it I got excited. My nipples hardened and my pussy got wet. But it was so wrong. I mean, our parents weren't married yet, but they were in a long-term relationship. My mom would frown on me doing anything inappropriate with her boyfriend's son.

I knocked on his door, not sure what to expect. We weren't home alone like last night, but he could still be touching himself. Part of me wanted to walk in on him naked, with his cock ready for me.

"Come in," he said.

"Hi," I said, walking through the door. "I think we should talk about what happened last night." He was fully clothed, and laying on his bed with a Kindle.

"We could," Adam said, gesturing for me to sit down on the bed.

I thought about sitting in his desk chair as it was still kind of weird to be invited to his bed, but I caved under the pressure of his eyes and submitted to his will.

"Or we could talk about this reading list of yours," he said, motioning to the Kindle in his hands.

It was my Kindle, I realized with mounting horror. He was looking through my Kindle. He surely saw all the erotica that I had bought. My face grew red as I hung my head in shame.

"It seems to me that you like a little of the rough stuff," Adam said, his grin growing hungrier. "Is that true?"

"Yes," I answered, not seeing any point in lying.

"Don't be embarrassed," he said. "Everybody has their kinks."

"I know."

"It's just funny that you have all these dirty stories downloaded on your Kindle. All these stories and you hadn't seen a real penis until last night." He squinted. "It seems some of them have been on here for at least a year."

Mortified, I meekly kept my gaze on the floor. I was too embarrassed to look at him. "About last night -" I tried to change the subject.

"'About last night'," Adam repeated. "'About last night where you watched me masturbate?' Or 'about last night where you sucked my dick?' Or 'about last night where I came on your face and tits?' Which would you like to talk about first?"

"Uh," I muttered. I couldn't control the conversation at all.

"Now I have something I'd like to talk about," Adam said. "It seems you and I could be great partners."

"What?" I asked.

"I like to give orders and you like to follow them."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm going to give you a choice." His voice was deep and mesmerizing. "There's the door." He gestured roughly, and I could see the tight muscles of his forearm move under his skin. "You can walk out that door and we can forget this whole thing ever happened."

I nodded to show I understood what he was saying.

"Or, you can get up and lock that door. Once you lock that door you can walk to the center of this room, spread your thighs, hold your hands behind your back, and get ready for your next orders. Do you understand?"

I nodded again.

Adam leaned back in his bed, his eyes on me. I could feel how much he wanted me, and there was a part of me that wanted him just as badly. His animal lust towards me was sexy. I stepped to the door.

This was truly the most exciting thing I had ever done. Adam was asking me to submit myself to him and I was actually considering it. With a burst of courage I closed the door. With a second burst I locked it. Turning, I walked to the middle of the room, spread my legs, held my hands behind my back, and waited for orders.

"Good," Adam said, folding his hands behind his head and leering at me. "Now strip to your bra and panties. And try to make it entertaining for me."

My face grew pink as I pulled my t-shirt over my head. I unzipped my skirt and pulled it down while moving my hips. I looked up at Adam for approval, hoping that I had done everything correctly.

"Very good job," he gushed. "From the way you can strip, it's really hard to believe that you're a virgin. You seem like an honest to god slut."

I was conflicted when he called me a 'slut'. Part of me was angry and thought about leaving. Another, more primal part of me, was happy for the compliment.

"Now I want you to stay standing and put your hands on your hips."

He got out of the bed as I followed his orders. My chest swelled when he walked close. I could smell his aftershave.

Adam put his hands on my shoulders and slowly slid my bra's shoulder straps off. He pulled the cups down and exposed my breasts. "These are nice tits," he said, rolling my nipples in his fingers.

I moaned as he tweaked me, growing wet. "Thank you."

He kept pulling and tweaking my nipple as his other hand dropped. He pushed his hand into my panties. "Jesus Christ you are wet. Are you really getting this turned on by following my orders?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Make that 'yes master'," he said as he pinched my nipple.

I yelped at the pain.

"If you don't call me 'master', then I'm going to have to punish you. You do understand right?"

I held my ground, staring into his eyes with my chin up. His finger slid into my pussy and another moan escaped my lips. "Yes master," I said, my head lowering in submission.

"And when you do as you're told, then you'll get a reward from your master."

His fingers continued their assault on my cunt. I hear the noises my wetness made as he buried himself into me. My nipples let radiated a heavenly ache. "Yes master," I said, wrapping my arms around him for support. My legs grew weak as he continued to finger-fuck me. "Thank you master."

He pinched my nipple again and I let out another yelp. "I told you to keep your hands behind your back," he reminded me.

"Sorry master," I said. I began to move my hips with his fingers, helping to push him more deeply inside me. Using my eyes, I pleaded for him to continue. He felt so good inside my cunt.

"Get down on your hands and knees."

I moaned as he pulled himself out of me. Climbing down to a kneeling position, I saw the bulge in his pants. I almost took out his cock and started sucking on it right then, but I remembered that I was to follow orders. I put my hands to the floor and arched my back so that my ass stuck upwards. My tits hung and jiggled when I moved.

Adam undressed himself as I watched. He came up behind me and pulled my panties down. The fabric clung to my wet cunt.

"This is a nice ass," he said, squeezing my ass-cheeks. He spread them apart and spat on my asshole. "I'll enjoy fucking your ass one day," he started. "But for now I'll stick with that wet cunt of yours."

What he said about my ass had scared me a little. I'd never had real sex, let alone had my asshole fucked. And he kept referring to the future, as if we would keep doing this sort of thing. I had very little time to think any coherent thoughts before he thrust into me.

In long, slow strides he took my virginity. He kept his hands on my hips, controlling how I moved in rhythm to his thrusts. It was bliss as he pushed into me, more deeply each time. I felt my orgasm building. My tits bounced as I bobbed on his cock.

"What do you say when I'm fucking you slave?"

Slave? I thought. Again, I didn't like the label, but I couldn't deny that it was turning me on. I bucked my hips as he fucked me. "Thank you master," I whimpered.

Adam leaned into me and brought his chest to my back. I fell down to my elbows. His hips pressed into mine and I felt that he was fully inside me. One of his hands reached around and started to grope my bouncing breasts – cupping the breast and twisting the nipple.

I moaned deeply.

Adam reached his other hand around and started to rub my clit. Both his arms wrapped around me and held me close as he touched my clit and my nipples, thrusting deeply into me at the same time. It was a truly erotic embrace.

My orgasm welled inside me until I couldn't hold it back any longer. I came, biting my lip to keep from screaming. It felt so good. Waves of pleasure crashed through me. I writhed and shuddered in ecstasy against the bindings of Adam's rippling arms.

Adam pulled out of me and flipped me over. He pulled me backwards to him, my breasts bouncing as he did so, and stuck his cock into my mouth. Unlike the previous night, he fucked my mouth with deep strokes. Still feeling my orgasm, I moaned into his cock as he thrust into me.

"You're going to swallow it," he ordered.

I nodded with his cock in my mouth and looked up at him. His glistening body towered over me.

"You look cute with a cock in your mouth," he said, before he started to cum into me. His muscles tensed and rippled under his skin as waves of warm cum flowed down my throat. Obediently, I swallowed all that he offered me, looking up at him for reassurance the whole time.

For a few minutes we laid there, with my face in his crotch, as he stroked my hair. "You did well," he said.

"Thank you master."

"Tomorrow night we will resume your training," he said. "Get dressed and get out."

I nodded and started to put my clothes back on.

"Oh," Adam said, standing up. "You are also not to cum again without my permission. No touching yourself in the shower, no vibrators, no other men. I own your orgasms, and you must earn them from me. Do you understand?"

I nodded again.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Adam said, motioning to the door.
