A snippet from my new book

Hernita walked down the stairs and secretly fantasized about the robot violating her and using her body. Her hand drifted towards her waistline and began to slip down the front of her jeans. She closed her eyes, thinking about the powerful sex machine as her hands began to explore freely.

She felt a warm sensation against the back of her neck, turning around Hernita found herself face to face with the sex robot. Hot exhaust from it’s ventilation posts caressed her skin. It’s strong hands grasped her waist.

Suddenly the machine ripped Hernita’s jeans off and swung her around. With a firm grip it bent her over across the washing machine.

From a speaker embedded within the machine’s chest came a gravely statement: “Engaging pelvic thrusters.” Hernita Squealed as she heard it. A cold and metallic phallus slid across her labia. She shuddered as it worked it’s way inside her.

“Commencing slow thrust.”

Hernita felt the robots hands change positions. One grabbed her hair and pulled her head back while the other gripped her waist. With a mechanical precision the robot began to rhythmically thrust. Hernita gasped as the machine's nine inch member stretched her out. She could never go back to Randall after this. The robot continued with it’s powerful thrusts as Hernita began to let out a soft moan.

“Phase one complete. Activating vibratory rotation device.”

Hernita was already dripping when the machine activated its vibrators. As the robot's member was deep inside it began to slowly vibrate. Hernita let out a sharp gasp. Her juices gushed out of her and splashed across the floor.

“Tempo increase initiated.”

The machine began to increase its pace. The trusts became longer and harder. Pleasure began to intertwine with pain as Hernita’s moans grew in length and frequency. The machine bucked as it drove its gargantuan member deeper within her depths. The vibrations increased. Hernita could feel them pulsing through her entire body and hear them as they echoed throughout the basement.

Hernita let out an ear shattering scream as her whole body began to spasm. Never before had she had an orgasm that powerful. Snapping back to reality she realized that Randall had probably heard her.

“Mission complete. Falling back to recuperate,” announced the robot. It’s iron grip vanished and Hernita collapsed against the washing machine.

If you like what you read be sure to check out the full book.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1u3q8e/a_snippet_from_my_new_book