Layers Ch 01c [TF/TG]

I've never had my ass played with as a man so I don't know how to describe what it feels like. Or what it potentially feels like to have something inside of my body like this. I don't know if it'd be similar at all. I want to touch everything at once. There's rough skin on the bottoms of my fingers and palm of my hand… paw? I ignore it and try to be gentle with my claws. It's frustrating. I want to rub the inside of my pussy but the claws are keeping that off the menu. I DO whine now and I've never done that before in my life. It just happens. I'm massaging and rolling my nipple in one hand and it's bigger and harder now. My feet are rubbing on each other over and over by themselves again and I'm trying to push my fingers into my pussy as far as they can go. I feel… full? Nearly full? But not full enough. There's this building pressure and the electricity from my nipples is hitting against some nerve thing in my pussy and I've lost myself in the feeling of it all. My whole body feels it along my spine and it's just building higher and higher and I'm slamming my fingers harder and harder into myself, feeling the tips of the claws against the flesh, feeling the pain for a half-second before endorphins kill the bad pain. I'm moaning and whining and making this… mewling sound as I twist on the ground, my tail pressing against me as I twist and turn. I don't… this pressure is massive. I almost can't take the sensation but I can't stop. I can't fucking stop now. I'm almost there. It's almost there. I can't… I can't…

The world explodes again. I wish I could say how amazing it felt. How completely different it felt from the first time. I felt a hint of all of that – fringes of this amazing release. But, I can't. I can't because whether I'd forgotten to breathe or it was all too much suddenly, I black out. Screaming. Howling. Body shaking. Blackness.
