One Hot Bet [mf mutual masturbation]

An hour after she arrived at Camp Wampanook, Cleo was half a mile into the woods with Jack and he already had two fingers inside of her. This was a camp tradition for them that started three years prior. They would meet behind the arbor and follow the Squaw footpath to the clearing by Piney River Creek (a name that confused and delighted everyone). There, Cleo would turn away from Jack and strip off whatever sort of tight shorts she was wearing (this year, then were cut off jeans). Jack would slip off her panties and place a kiss on one of her ass cheeks. She would steady herself against a tree pressing her ass into him. He would stand and slip a hand around her, down between her legs, and stroke her clit until she came.

Then they would switch positions. Jack would lower his jeans and Cleo would push his boxers down to his knees. While her head was low, she would kiss the head of his cock in whatever state it was at this point (this year, it was fully rigid). She would press herself to his side, one arm around his back, her hand clutching his jacket. The other hand would be in front of him, his hard cock in her hand. She never rushed. She would stroke him slowly as if she had all week to do it and she loved every second of it.

So there they were, still in phase one, Jack's slick fingers working Cleo's pussy as she looked out at the creek and held on to the tree as if for dear life. He kissed her neck and reached his hand up under her tank top to find she wasn't wearing a bra. He cupped her left tit, pinching the nipple between his fingers. Cleo let out a sharp gasp and pushed her ass into Jack a little harder, feeling his erection pushing back.

"I love this time of year," Cleo gasped.

She had a hand behind her on his leg, and she moved it to his crotch, cupping his balls. Jack moaned in her ear. His breath on her neck made her shudder.

"You gonna come for me?" he whispered to her.

"I'm gonna come for you, yes, I'm gonna come for you," Cleo told him, her legs growing weak.

Her grip tightened on the tree and her breath hitched into quiet yelps. Jack pressed down on her clit and slid his fingers all the way inside of her as her whole body tensed and she let out a long high-pitched sigh.

She slumped back into his arms and he caught her, holding her while she caught her breath.

"Mmmm. Yeah. Yes. Good boy," she said, patting him on the shoulder. "Now it’s your turn."

Jack unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down, then put a steadying hand on the tree. Cleo leaned herself against him, still naked from the waist down, still weathering the aftershocks of her orgasm. She slipped his boxers down easily with one hand and his cock bounced free of them. She pushed them all the way to his knees until her lips could reach the bouncing head. She kissed it and then stood up. She slipped a couple fingers into her wet pussy to get them nice and slick.

She moved them to Jack's cock, rubbing her fingers on the head, getting it nice and slippery. Then she stroked down to the base of his shaft and Jack moaned, his hand sliding around her and coming to a rest on her beautiful ass. It was the ass of a girl who'd been an athlete all her life – tight and round, begging to be touched. Cleo stroked Jack slowly, enjoying the look on his face, how all his control seemed to melt away. His eyes closed and he bucked his hips, thrusting his cock into her fist. She tightened her hand as he pushed and Jack sucked in a breath.

"This'll be the fastest time ever," he said through clenched teeth.

Cleo smiled, still in her afterglow, and kept stroking Jack, his cock now so hard it seemed to strain against its own skin. He continued to work his hips back and forth, fucking her hand. The motion of it started to turn Cleo on again and she stared at his cock as it violated her.

"I'm gonna… Now!” Jack hissed. Cleo tightened her hand again and stroked from the base to the head just a beat before strand after strand of come shot from him, hitting the tree and dripping from Cleo's hand. Cleo marveled at the range he had.

"Whoa. Looks like you've been backed up for a while," Cleo said, as she milked the last few drops out of him. "Well… not every girl is as open minded as you."

"Nobody at school will give you a hand job before they say hello?" she said as she bent down and washed the rest of his come off in the creek.

"Can you believe that?" he said. She stood and he took her panties from his back pocket and helped her into them.

"Maybe you've just lost a step," she said. "It's okay. It happens to a lot of guys."

"Lost a step? You just came all over my hand and you think I lost a step?"

Cleo slipped her jean shorts back on.

"Right, but I already know about the goods,” she said. "Maybe you just can't convince a girl to sleep with you if she doesn't realize you got the touch."

"That's bullshit. I can get into any pair of panties I want, believe it."

"Care to put money on it?” Cleo asked, a twinkle in her eye.

"How much?"

"I'll bet you $100 I can sleep with the three male counselors here before you can."

"Oh, man," Jack said, reaching over to shake her hand. “I'll take that action."

They shook. Without letting go of his hand, Cleo said, "Before the kids show up."

Jack immediately withdrew his hand.

"That’s only like two days!" he said, incredulous.

"If you don't think you can do it…"

"No, no, of course I can do it. I'm just worried about your reputation. You know how it can be for girls," Jack said.

"Don't you worry about me."

"Most importantly – what qualifies as sex and how do we prove it?" Jack asked.

"There has to be penetration – vaginal, anal, or oral. Both parties have to come. And it has to be video'd." Cleo said.

"Video? Without consent? That's pretty sleazy."

"When we meet up back here on Sunday night, we'll watch them and erase them. Easy peasy. Plus, I'll bet a few won't mind being taped. They’d probably be turned on."

Jack thought it over. He knew it would be easy pickings out here. He and Cleo were no slouches in the looks department. He'd managed to get through his freshman year of college without losing his six-pack and he was eager to unleash them on the unsuspecting prey back at camp. Three ladies for him, three dudes for Cleo. It didn’t get much more fair than that. There was no way he was going to lose this bet.

"It's a deal on one condition," Jack said.

"What's that?"

"If I win, I don't want your measly hundred dollars. If I win, you have to service me for the rest of the summer where ever and whenever the mood strikes me."

Cleo smiled. Why hadn't she thought of that?

"Alright. Forget about the money entirely. The same goes for me. Whoever loses becomes the winner's sex slave for the summer."

Then they shook on it, both convinced the other was a sucker for sure.

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