The Transformation Chapter 2

Link to Chapter 1

Camille awoke and checked her smartphone. She almost didn't know where she was until she realized she was in James Camden's house, his mansion. It was 6:00 AM, she didn't want to be late for her first breakfast. It was going to be a big day. Class in the morning, shopping in the afternoon then dinner and working on her thesis at night. She read a few articles and checked her bank account, another 5,000 had been deposited. She smiled. This was too lucky. She fired off a text to Lizzie promising to tell her all about it over lunch, she promised to take her shopping on the weekend. Then she got ready and walked to the dining room at 7:55.

James was already dressed and waiting. He wore another suit and Camille found that she could get used to this. Breakfast with an attractive billionaire. Lambo ride to class. She just had to finish her thesis to graduate. Who knew, she thought, maybe James will need a financial advisor after I graduate. If he's willing to pay me 5 grand a day to shop who knows what he would be willing to pay for real work.

"Good Morning James." "Good morning Miss Jones. Did you sleep all right?" "Great thank you!" Camille spotted a glass of water set out next to her, and reached out drinking it quickly. James smiled, "I'm sorry if you're thirsty, I try to keep the house from getting too arid, but I guess these are the troubles I live with." "Not at all an issue sir." Camille said, draining her glass "Let's eat!"

Camille was exhausted. It was 7:00 PM and after class and shopping she sat down in the living room to work on her thesis. She was wearing yoga pants and a tank top. James was seated on the other couch wearing a beater and jeans. He was watching an action movie, but thankfully keeping the volume low. Camille figured it was good manners to keep him company in this giant house even though she HATED action movies. She had so much work to do, but she was a good student and she knew she could get it done. It was just so hard to concentrate. I must be tired, she thought to herself. She thought of how much work she had to do and was stunned by how worry free she was. She'd always been anxious. Lizzie made fun of her for being so nervous about everything but she was calm, happy even! It seemed funny to her…she giggled.

James started and looked up. Camille instantly buried her face in her book. GIGGLING?! She thought. She felt like one of those stupid valley girl cheer leaders she had gone to college with. She hated them. They'd gotten all the boys by being slutty and dressing like whores and she giggled. She was mortified. Apparently James did noticed how embarrassed it made her and tried to be nice about it.

"Miss Jones, you look exhausted. Why don't you come over here and watch the movie for awhile with me." "James please call me Camille, and I'd love to I have soooo much work to do." "Alright Camille, is there anything else you like to be called by the way?" "Not really James, I hated all the Camille nicknames, I had a few friends call me Cami but I made them stop." "Too bad, I love the name Cami." He looked her right in the eyes, "I'd really like you to watch the movie with me." "Okay." Camille was stunned, she'd said okay before she even knew what was happening. She couldn't believe it. She was already walking over to his couch before she was regretting it. She had a ton of work to do, how was she going to get out of this. She hated action movies. But she felt somehow, compelled! The couch he was on was a love seat, it was tiny.

She sat down next to him and got a whiff of his cologne. Camille was suddenly very aware of her own heart beating very fast. She tried to control herself but she couldn't stop thinking about James, about fucking him. She could just imagine being thrown onto a bed and James sliding his cock–DAMMIT, she thought, this was the world's worst time to be horny. This guy gave me a lifeline and I can't blow this.
James stretched and began to lower his arm around Camille. She would have rolled her eyes at such a corny move but she could only hear the sound of the blood pumping. His hand grazed her bare shoulder and it was like he was electric. She shivered.

"Cold?" He asked. "No, I'm fine." Camille became acutely aware of how wet she was. She was soaked. They were black yoga pants, she wasn't wearing any panties. Camille became nervous, he couldn't…smell her could he?! She glanced over at him quickly and saw him intently watching the movie. She noticed how short her breath was and that she'd been drawing quick little breaths in her mouth. This was the horniest she had been in months!

"James, umm I'm sorry, I have to finish my work." She claimed as she leapt up suddenly. She barely heard his goodbye. She practically bolted from the living room down the hall to her bedroom.

James smiled as he looked at her work, left behind in the living room.

In her bedroom, Camille tried to focus. What is WRONG with me?! It's okay, she said to herself getting control. Her heart started to slow as she walked herself through it. It's been a crazy 2 days girl. You're living with a billionaire, driving a Lamborghini, shopping for a job and you've made 10 grand doing it. You're just overwhelmed. But if that was the case, why was she still so wet? Well, no sense fighting it, she figured, best way to deal with being horny is to meet it head on. She giggled again. GIRL get a hold of yourself!

Camille slowly walked over to the door and listened. Hearing nothing she locked it. She went back to the bed and laid down on her back. She slowly peeled off her yoga pants revealing her waxed pussy. She hated shaving down there, and waxing made her feel so sexy and clean. She was right, she was soaked, maybe more than she'd ever been. But, nothing prepared her for the explosion she felt when she reached hand down to her clit. It was like her clit exploded with pleasure with each touch. She bit her lip as she quickly began rubbing faster and faster in circles.

Her left hand reached up and awkwardly ripped her tank top off. She had never felt pleasure like this. She stopped only to undo her bra and then her right hand was back at her clit. She reached up with her other hand and began playing with her nipples. It was pure instinct, she had never really liked nipple play before but now she couldn't stop. She felt a wave of pleasure building inside her. She jammed a finger into her pussy and it slid right in. Then another. The stretch she felt in her snatch was like ripples of ecstasy. She kept tugging on her nipples as she pumped her hand in and out of her pussy. She couldn't stop now. Her eyes rolled back as an absolutely massive wave of an orgasm overtook her. Her whole body wracked and writhed as wave after wave of pleasure slammed into her. She couldn't keep biting her lips and moaned loudly until slowly the orgasm subsided.

She lay on her back. Her breasts heaving with each deep breath as she came down from the most intense orgasm of her life.

…What's happening to me…


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