Pwned (blackmail,nc) (X-post from /r/ LetsWriteADirtyStory)

Written collaboratively at /r/LetsWriteADirtyStory.

I had been redditing for a few months, mainly late at night.
I started off as usual /r/all slipping to /r/nsfw/ /r/erotica until I found /r/dirtypenpals. My first night I got into some amazing conversations. Most of them didn't continue much but I started talking to regulars and met some interesting people there. one of which i continued to talk to in the coming weeks. Everything went smoothly until the day I forgot my galaxy at home.
I had set up to have a chat session during lunch and did not want to miss it, so i made one little mistake. I logged on from work. I knew the usual legalese about no expectation of privacy. But really in such a big company who would have known.
The following week I got an orange envelope: "Hey Pat, I loved your post yesterday, msg me" signed i_am_it I broke out in a cold sweat, during all this time i made sure never to give out my real name or any other identifying details.
"Who is this?"
"Just a colleague. Happened to run across your account during last night maintenance, thank god for key loggers."
Shit, shit, shit they have full access to everything??

The mystery coworker left me sweating for the next few days as I tried to figure out who might have access to the information. It was most likely someone in IT. Probably a network administrator. The large company had dozens of IT employees and a handful of network types. But which one? I was only familiar with the two or three responsible for the building I worked in. Two were women and the third a guy, but it could be any of the staff.
Thursday afternoon another orange envelope arrived via interoffice mail. It contained a printout of my posts as well as instructions: "Pat. I enjoyed your post about the couple having sex in the closet at work. Come to the network closet on the third floor at five. The door will be unlocked."
I could not believe this was happening! If I went to the authorities I undoubtedly would lose my job and send this person to jail. But I could not afford to be without a job even for a week. A sensation of being helpless and unable to escape filled me. At five I stood with dread and made my way up to the third floor. It took a moment to find the network closet tucked away in a section of the building used for storage. As promised the door was unlocked.
Inside I found a rack filled with computer equipment blinking and humming. A note and sleeping mask rested atop the equipment: "Put this on and wait. I will join you shortly." With trembling fingers I took the black sleeping mask and pulled it over my eyes. Then I waited.

After what seemed like an eternity, I heard the door open, and the footsteps approach. A raspy voice whispered "Take off your clothes!”
I hesitated.
"You do remember I know about every subreddit and post you submitted to!"
I had no choice, If any of those posts got around the work or home it would ruin me. I took off all my clothes and stood there shivering. "Put your arms out please."
As I did I was suddenly handcuffed to the storage rack. Nothing happened for a few minutes, but even through the blindfold I could see the flash of the cellphone go off.
This day is not getting any better.

"Here is how this is going to work," the blackmailer said. "Each afternoon you will receive a package containing an outfit and instructions. You are follow the instructions to the letter. Any deviations, and your boss and HR will receive a nice envelope containing a USB drive filled with all sorts of information. Including these nice pictures I just took."
There was a sound of something dropping to the floor. "Here is your first set. Count to twenty slowly then take off the blindfold."
The door opened and closed. Slowly I counted to twenty as instructed then ripped the sleeping mask from my head. My clothes were gone! In the floor was a FedEx box. It took some effort to reach it with my hand cuffed to the rack. On top was the key to the handcuff!
Quickly I freed myself and weighed my options. Being naked there were none. So I rummaged through the box. The only thing inside was a black spandex bodysuit with a black cat's tail attached, a collar with a bell, and a pair of cat ears on a hair band. At the bottom of the box was a note.
I enjoyed your pet girl posts a lot. Put this on and go home. Log into Yahoo Messenger at seven with your webcam on. I want to see my pussy play with her pussy.
Quickly I donned the outfit. It had feet made into it eliminating the need to explain why I was parading around barefoot. At first I considered carrying the ears but remembered the threat – follow the instructions to the letter. Sighing I slipped them on and opened the door cautiously. I placed the handcuffs in the box and grabbed it.
"Pat! Are you going to a party or what?"
I spun to face the source of the female voice. Lindsey from logistics was grinning at my outfit. It hugged every curve of my body and emphasized my bust and bottom.
"Yeah. It's a costume party." My cheeks heated under her stare.
"Well, I never imagined you the type to go to a costume party dressed like that!"
"Have a good night," I said to end any further discussions. I grabbed my purse from my desk and rushed out to my car avoiding any other conversations.
As I pulled out onto the street, I began to cry. What have I gotten myself into?

The subway ride home wasn't that bad. I received a lot of compliments and a few catcalls, it was kind of nice showing off my body like this.
As i got closer to home, I started thinking about what i have gotten myself into and how do i get out of this predicament. I got home and turned the messenger on. I sat there for a few minutes with no callers, finally getting up to make myself dinner. Halfway through my salad the computer started ringing. I sat in front of the screen, it was from someone called Bwitch77. I stared for a few more seconds before answering.
On the screen appeared a picture of me naked and cuffed from earlier today. There was no way of knowing I was forced into it. The voice was robotic, whoever it was is making sure I can't recognize him/her.
"Take of your top."
I took off my top reluctantly, my breasts so small I seldom bothered wearing a bra.
"Play with your nipples" the voice quietly commanded.
"Tease them"
"Pinch them"
I felt the pain in my hard nipples.
"Now move back to the bed and strip!"
I lay on the bed and removed the spandex.
"Everything and go get that vibrator you posted about” It took me a second to remember how the voice knew about my recent purchase, but I had no choice.
"Now, spread your legs and use it!"
I felt so ashamed and awkward as I started to rub the tip against my clit, but my body started to react to the sensation. I was getting moist feeling the tip of the vibrator entering my pussy, thinking about who could it be on the other side. Sliding the vibrator in slowly inch by inch, I started enjoying it more. Once the vibrator was in i started picking up pace, the feeling being more intense than usual.
After a few minutes I heard the voice again: "Now cum!" I don't know why it affected me so but i instantly felt wave after wave of pleasure washing over me.
I lay there catching my breath.
"I hope you don't mind, I taped that performance for future use."



  1. The following day Pat could barely concentrate on her work. Any time a coworker spoke to her she jumped. Every time she heard someone speaking, her ears strained to see if any of the voices belonged to the man in the closet. Midafternoon the lady in charge of distributing the interoffice mail stopped by with a FedEx box. It was not uncommon for employees to reuse boxes for interoffice mail. This one had no return information on it. Cutting the table and opening the flaps, Pat peered in. A manila envelope was on top. A set of clothes were folded beneath. Her trembling fingers tore open the envelope and removed the two items. The first was a photo of her from the webcam last night on her bed with her legs spread and her face clearly visible. Quickly she shoved it back in and took out the paper. *Pat – I loved last night. Be at the address below at six.* Using Google, she found that the address belonged to a club downtown. It would take every minute of an hour to reach it, so she would need to leave a few minutes early to be safe. Shoving the box and its contents under her desk, she struggled to work. A little after four she stood, collected the box, and locked herself in the stall in the restroom. Inside was a tight black dress, lace bra, a black thong, and a pair of black stockings. Sighing she changed hurriedly. The dress was low cut enough to expose an ample amount of her cleavage, and the hem of the dress barely concealed the tops of her stockings. The sheer bra was so thin that her nipples made noticeable small bumps in the cool air. Stuffing her clothes in the box, she all but ran from the building. Walking along the streets she received leers from men who were too refined to actually call out and verbal offers from the others. By the time she reached the club her face was flush from running and the humiliation. Loud techno music assaulted her senses as she entered the dark club. At this hour the place was mostly empty with a few couples dancing and most lounging in booths or at the bar. Stepping up to the bar, the bartender, a pretty blond in her mid-twenties, asked "What can I get you?" "A Diet Coke," Pat responded and looked around. What now? "Wow. The hard stuff so early?" The blond grinned and poured the Diet Coke into a glass with ice and sat it and the can in front of Pat. "Looking for someone?" "Yeah, I’m supposed to meet someone." "You wouldn’t happen to be Pat would you?" Her head whipped around and stared wide eyed at the girl. "Yeah. Why?" The blond retrieved an envelope and handed it to her. "A guy left this for you an hour ago when we first opened." "What did he look like?" With a description she might be able to figure out who it was! "Pretty average looking guy. Tall. Dark brown hair. Wearing a blue golf shirt and khaki pants." It was not much. Pat tore open the envelope and read. Love – Ask to talk to a guy named Michael. Tell him you’re Pat. "Is there a Michael around," Pat asked. "Sure," the blond replied. "He owns the place." She gestured to a door at the end of the bar. "Just go in there. His office is at the end of the hall." Pat stood, took a final drink, and walked through the door. Unlike the movies that portrayed clubs as dark, filthy places the hall was well lit, had tasteful pieces of art hanging on the wall. All of the doors were labeled with black plastic plates and gold lettering. The final door readMichael’s Office. Taking a deep breath she knocked. "Come in," came a female’s voice. Pat entered the room and felt her cheeks go red. A short, slightly overweight girl of eighteen or nineteen sat on the desk. Her feet were clad in canvas shoes and resting on the arms of the large leather chair behind the desk. She was leaning back resting her weight on her hands. A pair of denim shorts and pink panties lay in the floor. A man sat in the chair with his face buried in her womanhood causing the girl to moan. Another woman sitting in a chair by the door looked up. "You must be Pat." It was her voice that Pat had heard. Pat tore her eyes away from the scene but could not block out the girl’s cries of pleasure. "Yeah." The woman looked Pat up and down appraising her. "No offense, but you don’t seem like the type that enjoys girls." "Excuse me?" "I was told that you liked girls. You know." She motioned to the writhing teen on the desk. "You’re Pat Hamilton right? You’re here for the movie? We have your audition." She produced a set of images from my show last night. Pat jumped as the girl screamed and fell backward on the desk. Her feet were on the back of the chair now and the man was standing and unzipping his pants. Oh my god! What is happening to me? —– Pat look swept across the room, there were no cameras or crew to be seen. This was obviously not a porn set, just a regular office tastefully decorated. She stared as the man took out his thick cock. "You can join in now." The woman said. Pat decided to play along. There didn’t seem to be anything that would cause her embarrassment later, and that cock did look delicious. She walked up to the couple. "Hi, I’m Michael. Thank you for joining us, please take of your clothes" Pat undressed, all the while staring at Michael’s Erect cock. Once finished, she went down on her knees and took his cock with both hands, enjoying the feel of it in her hands. She started to lick the shaft and flick her tongue across the head. Her hands pumping the shaft and caressing his balls. Her lips could barely wrap around the head as she took the cock into her mouth, slowly going down further on it inch by inch. She saw Michael close his eyes with pleasure as she started to bob her head back and forth. Suddenly the girl slid between Pat’s legs and started licking her pussy. Pat moaned from the unexpected pleasure, feeling the girls tongue teasing her clit. The feeling was amazing, her tongue licking and thrusting as her mouth was full of Michael’s cock. Pat had other men go down on her before, but none were as skillful as this girl expertly licking her pussy. Suddenly, Michael lifted her up and lay her down on the table. He slowly filled her pussy with his cock, and started to pump slowly in and out. Then before she could react, the girl came around and straddled Pat’s face. Pat couldn’t do anything but return the favor. She had never tasted a woman before. Pat inhaled the musky odor, and slowly started to lick the girl’s pussy. She found it quite hard to concentrate as Michael pounded her at a faster pace, her pussy clinging to his thick cock with every thrust, but knew she was doing a good job as the girl started moaning in pleasure. Pat explored her pussy and clit, varying the pace to see what would get the best reaction from the girl settling on a faster pace. Pat started caressing the girl’s body, massaging her breasts and her nipples. Michael suddenly pulled out and rubbed his cock faster and faster, jet after jet of thick cum landed on Pat’s stomach and chest. But before Pat could react the girl started licking the cum off, her warm tongue licking her body. She felt the girl’s fingers exploring her pussy as her tongue reached her clit. Pat tasted the Girls juices as she felt her pussy contract. Within a few minute the girls skillful fingers and tongue brought Pat to a big climax. She lay there catching her breath as the girl got up, when she opened her eyes she found that she was alone in the room. She looked around the room but there were no signs of anything that could help her make sense of what just happened. Pat left through the club with no signs of any of the participants. She arrived home and started dinner, trying to make sense of what just happened. The next day went by uneventful until Jennie stopped by late afternoon. Her suspicions were confirmed when after a few minutes of small talk, Jennie said: "Well I wanted to say I really enjoyed your performance at Michael’s yesterday and would love to see more of you tonight" with a smile. Pat went red, some of her colleagues were still there and Jennie purposely phrased the invitation in a way she knew she had no choice but to agree before any more details came out. "Great, it’s a date meet me at cafe Greg at 8:30" Jennie said before she left. Pat quickly wrapped up her work and left, feeling her coworkers stares, hearing them whispering as she exited office. —–

  2. Pat went through the little she knew about Jennie. Jennie worked in IT as an intern on the help desk. She had a reputation as an introvert and being shy; neither of those traits had been obvious the night before at the club. Was she a victim like Pat? It was hard to imagine the chubby girl being the mastermind behind this. No. The guy who had met her in the closet days earlier made that clear. At 8:30 Pat walked into the café and found it full of college aged guys and girls. It was a popular spot being so close to campus, and Pat looked anxiously around for Jennie. It was then she noticed a waving hand and focused her eyes on the person. Jennie was sitting alone at a table for two in the corner. Upon taking a seat Jennie reached over and placed a hand affectionately atop Pat’s. "I really loved last night. So did Michael. I’m so excited we’re going to be working together." "What do you mean," Pat asked warily. Jennie blinked. "In the movie. Michael said we should spend some more time together." The way she said it told Pat what the girl had in mind. Jennie finished her coffee, and the pair left the café and made their way across campus to Jennie’s apartment. The place was spacious – well beyond a college student should be able to afford living alone. Either she was making more as an intern than Pat thought or the girl had another source of income. "You have a beautiful place," Pat observed. "Thanks," Jennie said proudly. "Do you want anything?" Pat shook her head and took in everything. The leather sofa and love seat. The glass coffee table and end tables. It was nicer than her place. Jennie placed a duffel bag on the coffee table and opened it. From inside she produced a flogger, a ballgag, a pair of nipple clamps, a butt plug, a set of bondage restraints, and a set of ropes. "I guess you should take your clothes off," the young girl said as she sat the items out in a row on the table like a surgeon preparing for an operation

  3. Thank you, feel free to go to the thread and continue it as I don’t have as much free time as i used to

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