Forest Sex I wrote for my boyfriend. Outdoors. Male/female. First post in this sub!

(Every day my boyfriend sends me a dirty prompt and I write a little story about us and send it to him at work. I thought I might post it and get some feedback, thank you!)

We’re out for a walk beneath the beautiful canopy of a deep forest; I’m wearing a short sundress that’s cut low, revealing the large curve of my breasts. It looks surprisingly innocent on me, white and loose but slightly see-through in the shade. You can see the soft outline of my panties, a vibrant yellow that matches the strap of my bra that’s slipped off my shoulder. The sun is high in the sky and we’re both sweating already. You slip your hand into mine, pull me forward slightly. The path curves, but you keep walking straight, deeper and deeper into the forest where the light turns a sweet green between the leaves. The white ribbon I’d tied in my short brown hair has been knocked crooked as I stumble, my glasses slip down my nose and I look at you over the top of the rims, suspicious. You can tell I already know where this is going, and you can tell how much I like it. The want in my eyes makes your cock stiffen a little.

You lean forward to kiss me gently. You’re desperate not to frighten me away, but I surprise you by licking along your lip, wrapping my arms around your neck and going on tip toes to deepen the kiss. We stand in the middle of the green sunshine, kissing passionately. Your hands brush my cheek, slide down my neck, my back, my hip. You reach back to cup my round ass and squeeze. I moan against your lips and grind my body against you.

“Naughty girl,” You whisper, and slide your hand down to grasp my thigh and pull it up over your hip, pressing your now hard cock against me as my dress easily slides up my body. You rub your hand up my thigh and body till it cups my breast. You pinch and squeeze but the two layers of fabric irritate you. You pull the dress down a little and my breasts pop out happily, swollen with excitement and practically bursting from the bra. You pull one out of its lose caging and properly pinch the nipple while giving me a firm kiss. I gasp as my other knee buckles. You pull me up and push me a few steps back and we roughly bump against the trunk of a great tree. You kiss down my neck, still massaging my breast roughly and punctuate each kiss with a flick of my hard nipple. Finally you reach my breast and take the nub into your mouth and bite gently. I whisper “fuck”, unable to say any more and grab desperately at your cock. My dirty acts seem to clash with my dress. I free your cock from your jeans and begin to rub the tip against my lacy panties. Already you can feel my wetness through the fabric.

“Stop rushing,” You whisper the scolding into my ear and bite the lobe. You slide your hand up my thigh and to my cunt. I thrust against it immediately and beg you to fuck me. You pull my panties out of the way and tease me, brushing lightly over my cunt without entering. “What do you want me to do?” You ask, as you suck on my neck and brush over me so lightly it barely counts.

“I want you to put your cock in.” I moan back in anguish, shifting my hips against your fingers and pressing the tip of your cock as close as I can but you hold back, loving how desperate I am. You slowly insert a finger and rub softly.

“Are you sure? Someone could come by any second. We could get caught.” I can’t manage words, but the idea seems to excite me. “You’d love that, wouldn't you?” You start a slow thrusting and insert a second finger. Your thumb circles my clit gently.

“Please,” I beg and begin rubbing your shaft frantically, double the speed of your fingers thrusting into me. You want to tease me more, but I’m making it difficult, with my dress slipping off one shoulder and round breast bouncing enticingly. My warm hands slide against your shaft and your tip brushing against the warm wetness of my cunt. You pull your fingers out and replace them quickly with the head of your cock. You pull my other leg up around over your shoulder and the weight slides me down onto you completely. I moan in relief, glad to finally be taken. You can feel me trembling. Using the tree as leverage you thrust into me again and again. I kiss you, rubbing my tongue against yours threading my fingers through your hair and pulling you as close as I can. Our weight shifts and your angle becomes better and I can no longer concentrate enough to kiss you, my head tilts back and I let out a wild gasp into the forest. My moans are louder than usual, my cries more animalistic with pleasure. You didn’t think it was possible to be more turned on, but you are. Your pace starts to quicken and lose time, you press me harshly against the tree, I’m almost folded in half between you and the trunk, and you pound me till I can’t bear anymore. Finally, when I can’t even think or hear my own wild sounds, you cum. We remain pressed against the tree, panting and exhausted. I kiss your neck to your face and back to your neck, shaking. Somewhere in the distance a bicycle bell and a few curious voices sound. It suddenly strikes us that we did not get very far from the path. We dress quickly. If we could hear them, surely someone heard us and they must have heard me moaning your name under the green canopy. You kiss me once more, sweetly like you had meant too before, and we hurry off to pretend nothing happened.
