Cabin [nc/breeding] (x-post from /r/LetsWriteADirtyStory)

We opened a subreddit for interactive erotic stories /r/LetsWriteADirtyStory .
I would like to post another of the more complete shorts. We would love to have more participation as there are some fantasies still waiting to be continued like this one, Enjoy:

Cabin [nc/breeding]

I make my way to my cabin through the wind and blinding snow. I shiver and tremble making my way, I finally get inside and sigh with relief at being out of the freezing wind. It’s still cold in the cabin though and shake off the snow from my coat keeping it on as I load the fireplace up with wood starting a roaring fire. I shiver and wrap up in my heated blanket along with a quilt settling in front of the TV turning it on…well try to. It doesn't work. It’s not working. Damn it power must be out, that means the heating blanket isn't going to work either. Damn it damn it. I curl up shivering when I hear a knock, I go to the door begrudgingly and look out the little window seeing my neighbor. He's shivering and waving at me urgently. I sigh and let him in. He's gorgeous don't get me wrong, I even went on a date with him once. And only once…he tried getting me into bed telling me he wasn't going to wear a condom and that he wanted to get me pregnant. I kicked him out after that freaked out and hadn't really talked to him since let alone let him in my house. I can't leave him out there though, not with it being below zero outside and snowing like it is. I let him in and he immediately bees for my couch under my blankets after removing his coat. I grumble but sit next to him as it's my blanket and comforter. I wrap up in the other half as he tries snuggling next to me. I glare at him telling him to keep his distance. I fall asleep freezing from the lack of heat in the house after he pulled it up closer to the fire. I ignored his attempt to be nice but can't help but appreciate it. I wake up warm. The heat turned on yes! I move to get up when I notice why…a warm body behind me holding my waist and nuzzling my neck I jump trying to pull away but his firm arm keeps me to him. Feeling the freezing air on my face though alerts me to the cold outside of my blankets and I cringe into him even as I curse him in my head.

It actually felt nice for a few seconds before I realized he took off all his clothes. I can feel his huge cock pushing against my pussy through my pants. This is not what I had in plan for the night. I try to squirm away but he is too strong. Every move I make ends up just grinding against his cock making it harder. I turn to yell at him, but he gently cups my mouth and signs for me to be silent. I want to respond, but I am lost in his steely blue gaze. I feel his hands start to caress my body inching ever so closer to my pussy. His muscular body pressed against mine.

I shout then pulling away only to find my front pushed into the back cushions as he pulls at my sweater pulling it off me as I swing at him and kick only to find him shoving my sweatpants down too so I'm only in my bra and panties. I scream when he shoves his hand in my panties and begins rubbing my pussy lips nipping my neck and kissing as he rubs against my back side. I push at him as he holds me tight to him as he rips my panties and rubs his cock against my now wet pussy wet from his stroking of me. I cry kicking at him as he moans feeling my heat as he rubs on my slit and rubs my clit more firmly while pushing me into the cushions harder as I sob.

His rough hands tear off my bra as he stars mauling my boobs, forcefully pinching my nipples. All my struggling just seems to make him harder and more aroused, I can feel his engorged cock head pressing against my pussy lips. I start to protest: "please stop, I" but he quickly responds: it's no use, your body is giving you away. Your pussy aching, sloppily awaiting my seed, your fertile womb awaiting my dick". I whimper as he manhandles my body pinching and nibbling on every part of my existence. I somehow manage to squirm away, just to be tackled onto the rug. His muscular arms pining me down. "I've tried being nice, but you ARE going to be bred tonight".

I scream hitting at him as he grinds on me making me cry feeling his wet cock rubbing against my wet slit as he grabs at me picking me up and shoving my torso on the seat of the couch. His torso pressing into my back pinning me under him with his weight, his hips separating mine as I scream and kick only to feel him scooting under my hips more so my prone form is sitting on his fat aroused cock. I cry hitting at him as he kisses my neck and ear while a hand massages and kneads my breast making my pussy cream on his cock to my shame. I sob and moan feeling his hand strumming my clit as he flexes against my pussy lips. I hit at his stomach demanding he let me go, to stop this only to hear him chuckle and moan on my neck in my ear.

My desperate pleas just making him more aggressive. Then all of a sudden in one fell swoop I feel the full length of his engorged cock impaling me. I yell in surprise, but my body betrays me. My juices flowing as I try for the last time to gather the strength to fend of his attack. He starts to drive his dick into me, rhythmically fucking me pussy like a machine. "Please" I beg, "Please use protection, I don't want to be pregnant". He laughs as his member continues to assault my sex. I stifle a moan as he increases his speed, moving ever faster and harder. I can feel his warm breath on my neck. My breast sensitive to his rough hands, my nipples raw at his pinching. I can't hold on much longer.
