Quick Flash – Thank You So Much! We Had a Breakthrough!

A letter to a therapist becomes quite graphic as Jill explains, in detail, exactly how she helped her husband to heal.

I'm conflicted with this one. I'm not sure how well this one turned out. It feels like it is missing something to me. What is your opinion?

As always, all three blogs have the same content, but the WORK And COLLEGE links are "vanilla" and have appropriate titles to read in each location with others around.


Euphoria & Lust – Quick Flash – Thank You So Much! We Had a Breakthrough!


Be a Value to Your Employer – Friday Team Building – Building On Project Breakthroughs


Student Hive – Friday Fun – Working On Projects With Others

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1fkz2y/quick_flash_thank_you_so_much_we_had_a